On The Record: Phyllis Wolper
Mon, 02/11/2008 - 3:56pm
For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Phyllis Wolper, the Democratic candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 1, Denton County.
What prompted you to run for public office?
I can do a better job in representing the best interests of all of the people who reside in Denton County, not just those who subscribe to a particular party or viewpoint.
With the failed one-party rule of the past, the voice and needs of a more diverse and growing Democratic population have gone unheard and unrecognized. Those voices are growing stronger each day. I truly believe Denton County can re-establish checks and balances of a two-party system.
What would you say are the primary issues concerning your area?
The primary issues in our county relate to population growth, attracting the type of business that provides real living wage jobs, healthcare for all, clean water & air, safety, transportation and roads, and affordable housing.
These inter-related quality-of-life issues, if properly addressed and managed, will encourage and ensure the economic success of our area.
What are your qualifications for the position for which you are running?
My qualifications for this position are varied.
I am a small business owner. As a realtor, I fully understand and deal with the problems the average family faces in first obtaining, then holding onto the “American Dream” of home ownership.
As a homeowner, I want to see that my taxes pay for projects that improve the quality of life for all citizens as opposed to going toward corporate welfare and pet projects.
I served as public relations and investor relations director for corporations and non-profit organizations. I can recognize the “spin” used by organizations. In addition, since I am well versed in Security and Exchange Commission reporting, I know the true meaning of transparency and accountability.
I serve as a director on a number of boards, such as the Greater Denton Wise County Association of Realtors, the Governmental Affairs Committee & TREPAC Committee, Day Stay for Adults, Inc., which is a non-profit that provides respite to caregivers of adults who cannot care for themselves, and the American Heart Association - Denton Chapter.
I am 55 years old and have been married to my husband Roddy for almost 29 years. We have one adult son, and our family has lived all over the country under many different variations of government. My far-flung experiences provide me with a wider and longer point of view. We moved to Denton in 2001.
Who are the important political figures that inspired you to become active in politics?
One of the most influential political figures that still inspire me is Ann Richards, our former governor. Governor Richards did not let any obstacle, let alone a glass ceiling or personal tragedy, keep her from obtaining her goals during a time when women executives in business and politics were a rarity.
I remember that as late as the 1980’s, it was almost impossible for a single woman to obtain credit on her own. Things were much harder for a divorced woman who often had to pay a higher rate for car insurance than her ex-husband, and she had little protection under the law. Many law enforcement agencies did not respond to what they deemed a domestic dispute, even after the divorce was long final, which too often had tragic results.
It was in this era that Governor Richards overcame personal and professional obstacles to become the leader of our great state.
What is your biggest hope for Texas?
My biggest hope for Texas is that patriotic Texans of all parties come together to lead our citizens in a new revolution to return our state to its former glory.
This revolution is possible through the investment of personal time, money and resources to raise our standards from last (or nearly last) place to first in education, healthcare, pure water and clean air and other quality of life issues. A higher quality of life will naturally attract the right industry and business that creates good jobs that pay a living wage — and we all will breathe better.
Without this revolution, our state’s current record on water and air quality, education, housing and healthcare promotes an image to the world that big business understands there is quick money to be made here. It appears that our governments will sit silently like the statue of the three monkeys that see, hear and speak no evil for corrupt business practices for a profit. We do not enforce current regulations to prevent polluted water and foul air, and much less, pass any legislation to strengthen the standard. That image attracts the worst kind of people and industry that will pollute and pay lower wages with little or no benefits as long as there is a tolerance for such.
On the other hand, if our standards are high and the quality of life rises, it attracts people and businesses that want to live and work at that higher standard.