Remember IL-03?
Thu, 02/07/2008 - 10:12am
I'm guessing many of our readers visit several blogs on a daily basis or read through several blogs' RSS feeds on a daily basis. I count myself in that demographic and one of the stories I've been following for the last few months are the two big ticket (in blogosphere terms) challenges to Democratic House incumbents Dan Lipinski (IL-03) and Al Wynn (MD-4).
The primary challenge in IL-03 ended with a resounding thud for Mark Pera. Incumbent Dan Lipinksi easily turned away Pera's challenge by around 30,000 votes.
Representative Lipinski is the most conservative Democrat in the Illinois delegation (based on American Conservative Union ratings), but whether by machine politics (here's the story) or by representing the wishes of the Democratic voters in the district, yesterday's result indicates that IL-03 was not interested in changing Representatives.
We'll have to wait until February 12 to see what happens in Maryland.