Tweet This: Your November 2010 Statewide Election Matchups
Wed, 03/03/2010 - 3:39pm
Governor: Bill White ( @billwhitefortx ) vs. Rick Perry ( @GovernorPerry )
Lieutenant Governor: Linda Chavez-Thompson ( @ElectLinda ) vs. David Dewhurst ( @dewhurst4texas )
Attorney General: Barbara Ann Radnofsky ( @TXBarbaraAnn ) vs. Greg Abbott ( @Abbott2010 )
Commissioner of the General Land Office: Hector Uribe ( @UribeForTexas ) vs. Jerry Patterson ( no Twitter account found )
Commissioner of Agriculture: Hank Gilbert ( @Hank4Texas ) vs. Todd Staples ( @Todd_Staples )
Railroad Commissioner: Jeff Weems ( @JeffWeems ) vs. David Porter ( @VoteDavidPorter )
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3: Jim Sharp ( no Twitter account found ) vs. TBD
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5: Bill Moody ( no Twitter account found ) vs. Paul Green ( no Twitter account found )
Justice, Supreme Court, Place 9: Blake Bailey (no Twitter account found ) vs. Eva Guzman ( @justiceguzman )
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 6: Keith Hampton ( @HamptonForJudge ) vs. Michael Keasler ( no Twitter account found )
If you know of a candidate's Twitter account where I've listed them as account not found, please post that information in Comments.