Two Decisions
Sat, 05/31/2008 - 5:33pm
Rachel Maddow put it best when she said a few minutes ago that both state parties got their resolutions passed - the Rules and Bylaws committee agreed to seat full delegations at half voting strength from both Florida and Michigan.
Michigan will send 128 delegates, with 69 for Clinton and 59 for Obama. Florida will send 172 delegates, with 67 pledged to Obama and 105 pledged to Clinton. Again, these were resolutions posed by each state's Democratic Party.
This result also changed the magic number needed to win from 2,025 to 2,118.
I'm not sure how permanent these solutions are, as Harold Ickes and other Clinton supporters are saying that they will take their objections and issues to the Nominations committee. The time between now and Tuesday's final primaries will no doubt be full of pledges and oaths, promises and assertions.
On a final note, I'm sure today's crowd was undoubtedly the biggest and rowdiest ever for a Rules and Bylaws committee meeting.