Texas House Democratic Caucus Chair Jim Dunnam
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 11:54am
This week, State Representative and House Democratic Caucus Chair Jim Dunnam joins us once again to discuss the political climate in Texas ahead of the big primary on March 4th. We discuss how a meaningful presidential primary in Texas affects the general election for House Democrats, and his expectations for increased Democratic voter turnout in March. Download and play after the jump.
8:35 minutes (3.93 MB)Interview with State Representative Stephen Frost
Wed, 02/06/2008 - 3:59pm
Our guest this week is Stephen Frost, State Representative for District 1 in northeast Texas. We discuss why water rights are important, what a Texas primary that matters means for rural voters, and the Texas Republican Party’s leadership problem. Download and play after the jump.
24:40 minutes (8 MB)Obama Gets DeNiro, Clinton Gets Nicholson
Tue, 02/05/2008 - 1:56pm
Yesterday Robert DeNiro was stumping on behalf of Obama. Today Jack Nicholson is doing the robocall thing for Clinton. Download / play after the jump.
0:41 minutes (327.39 KB)Interview with DLCC Chairman Mike Gronstal
Wed, 01/30/2008 - 2:56pm
Our guest on this week’s episode is Mike Gronstal, Chair of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and the Iowa state senate majority leader.
We discuss the implications of the historic Iowa Caucus turnout, how state legislatures affect national policy direction, and the national Democratic outlook in 2008. Download and play after the jump.
19:20 minutes (8 MB)Interview with J.B. Poersch
Wed, 01/23/2008 - 3:00pm
Our guest this week is J.B. Poersch, Executive Director of the DSCC. We discuss the upcoming Senate race against incumbent junior Senator John Cornyn and other southern races, prospects on building our majority in the Senate, and what recent primary turnout numbers may mean for the general election. Download and play after the jump.
11:45 minutes (5.38 MB)Interview with State Representative Roberto Alonzo
Wed, 01/16/2008 - 3:00pm
Our guest this week is Roberto Alonzo, State Representative for District 104 in Dallas County. We discuss his attention to education issues in the House, the timing of the Texas primary, and how immigration is currently being addressed. Download and play after the jump.
15:10 minutes (6.95 MB)Interview with Joe Jaworski
Wed, 01/09/2008 - 3:05pm
Our guest on this week's show is Joe Jaworski, candidate for Texas State Senate in District 11. We discuss how he got his start in politics, the fundraising success he experienced in 2007, and how the job he would do in the Senate would differ from that of incumbent Republican Senator Mike Jackson. Get it after the jump.
22:50 minutes (8 MB)Interview with Ruben Hernandez
Wed, 01/02/2008 - 12:00pm
This week’s guest is Texas Democratic Party Executive Director Ruben Hernandez. We discuss what the party’s been up to throughout the previous year, what they have planned for 2008, and how the party plans to mobilize the Hispanic vote in Texas. Download and play after the jump.
18:40 minutes (8 MB)Best of 2007
Wed, 12/26/2007 - 12:00pm
On this week’s episode, we look back at some of the best Who’s Blues from 2007. We’ll have highlights from our interviews with former DNC Chairman (and Ambassador) Terry McAuliffe, General Wes Clark, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, Congressman Charlie Rangel, and CNN’s Paul Begala. Download and play after the jump.
12:10 minutes (5.57 MB)Interview with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez
Wed, 12/19/2007 - 2:38pm
This week’s guest is Ciro Rodriguez, the Congressman representing the 23rd District in Texas. We discuss what made him decide to run again for Congress, what’s being done on health care and veterans issues on the Hill, and the importance of education. Download and play after the jump.
24:40 minutes (8 MB)