Bad Reporting, But a Resolution in Michigan
Thu, 05/08/2008 - 2:00pm
The Michigan Democratic executive committee approved a plan on Wednesday that would allocate delegates to Obama and Clinton and allow them to be seated at the National Convention in August.
Under the new plan (which must still be approved by the DNC Rules Gauntlet), Clinton gets 69 delegates and Obama gets 59 delegates. What the AP article fails to tell you, though, is how that apportionment was arrived at.
It fills us on in what the results of the January primary would have produced as far as a delegate split goes, and even gives the reactions of the campaigns to the new plan, but it fails to include the logic of how the new plan's split works. This kind of stuff is handy to know!

try this one
By Lee Knox
Thu, 05/08/2008 - 3:22pm
this article says that the rationale is to split the difference between the primary results (which clinton favors) and split the delegates 50/50 (which obama favors):
By Josh Berthume
Thu, 05/08/2008 - 3:42pm
A compromise based on a compromise. The bureaucrat in me loves it.
TB to the rescue
By George Nassar
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 3:44am
Ironically, as you can see from the "related links" below the story, the answer to that question ran just recently right here on the Texas Blue:
Always striving for the most thorough political coverage in Texas, we are. Who'd 'a thunk?
Me = Fail
By Josh Berthume
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 9:33am
Me = Fail
It's a silly observation
By Betsy Parchem
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 10:03am
But the Michigan Democrats need to step up quickly before the people of Michigan become completely disenchanted. People are talking about the lack of fans at the Red Wings-Stars game last night. There's been a bit of talk that Red Wings fans can't afford to make it to the games.
Red Wings Fans. Can't afford tickets to the game. In "Hockey Town". Yikes.
That being said, Go Stars!
Full votes or half votes?
By Lorenzo Sadun
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 1:07pm
It doesn't matter much to the presidential race, but the DNC would have a hard time justifying giving full votes to the Michigan delegates, and likewise for Florida. Removing all sanctions is just an open invitation to ignore DNC rules in the future. Most people may not care, but the DNC Rules Committee sure does!
I'd much rather see a 74-54 split of delegates, with each getting half a vote, than a 69-59 split with full votes.