Josh Berthume's blog
Now! Fortified with Nutrients and Acolytes
Thu, 07/03/2008 - 8:53am
Are we really in the business now of referring to people that came up under and worked for Karl Rove as his acolytes? Really? I guess we must be as it has certainly happened, this time in reference to a big re-org over at the McCain campaign.
Epic Blog Outreach Fail
Wed, 07/02/2008 - 7:46am
If you haven't read the story at Burnt Orange Report about how an agitator in their comments named Buck Smith turned out to be David Beckwith, a member of John Cornyn's senior staff, you really should. The hilarious part is that he was caught because he reused an old email address. The GOP once again fails to learn the internets, and ends up on the news for it.
Stramarama '08
Tue, 07/01/2008 - 8:53am
If you haven't heard about the summer Campaign Camp that State Representative Mark Strama puts on, I encourage you to read about it here. It is not only a great way to engage young people in politics, but it also gives them the tools to make use of their talents in organizing wherever they end up.
GOP VeepStakes Winding Up?
Mon, 06/30/2008 - 11:00am
Believe it or not — and I'm not at all sure that I do — Politico has Romney out in front in the GOP VeepStakes.
The Summer Doldrums
Mon, 06/30/2008 - 8:01am
The slowest time in presidential politics between the end of the primaries end and the general election begins this week with July 4. From Friday until Labor Day, things should be pretty slow and laid back. Or at least, they usually are. In this race I suppose anything could happen. MSNBC's First Thoughts (featuring Chuck Todd, of course) explains it all.
Viva Chuck Todd!
Sun, 06/29/2008 - 5:46pm
I have talked often about Chuck Todd and the appreciation many of us at The Blue share for his astute political analysis, sharp commentary, and all-around Chuck-Toddness. We have not, however, dedicated an entire site to the man, and we're happy that someone out there had the will and the power to do so. I give you Viva Chuck Todd, a thrust into history where other chronicles have thus far failed.
The Best Story On American Diplomacy Ever
Sun, 06/29/2008 - 9:18am
Did you know that some of America's best ambassadors of the 20th century were Dizzy Gillespie and Duke Ellington? This is truly an amazing article from the New York Times, and one that describes a time of great creativity in government and foreign affairs.
TexBlog PAC Has a Hot NIght in H-Town
Fri, 06/27/2008 - 8:12am
TexBlog PAC is raising money and making noise, most recently at an event last night in Houston.
AFL-CIO Endorses Obama
Thu, 06/26/2008 - 1:34pm
We knew it was coming today, but the news is breaking anyways. The AFL-CIO is also promising a massive turnout effort on Obama's behalf.
Issue Politics
Thu, 06/26/2008 - 1:25pm
Chris Cillizza walks you through the politics of today's Supreme Court decision - that guns are sometimes an election year wedge issue, but that no one is making it their top ticket choice item in 2008 - in a new update from The Fix.