Josh Berthume's blog
Clinton to Speak from New York Tomorrow Night
Mon, 06/02/2008 - 1:13pm
Senator Hillary Clinton has invited top-flight donors, supporters, and staff members to join her in New York tomorrow night for her speech after the polls close in Montana and South Dakota.
Senator Kennedy In Surgery
Mon, 06/02/2008 - 8:17am
This morning you may have heard that Senator Ted Kennedy is in surgery at Duke University Medical Center for the brain tumor he was diagnosed with in April.
Puerto Rico Goes Clinton
Sun, 06/01/2008 - 10:52pm
As expected, Puerto Rico voted for Senator Hillary Clinton over Senator Barack Obama, 68% - 32%, giving Clinton most of the 55 delegates at stake.
Two Decisions
Sat, 05/31/2008 - 5:33pm
Rachel Maddow put it best when she said a few minutes ago that both state parties got their resolutions passed - the Rules and Bylaws committee agreed to seat full delegations at half voting strength from both Florida and Michigan.
Still Waiting
Sat, 05/31/2008 - 4:05pm
Still no decision from Rules and Bylaws from DC. A few ideas have been floated and it seems like Florida is way closer to getting hammered out than Michigan is, but we'll see. As of right now, the committee is meeting behind closed doors. More soon. (?)
Boyd and Betty Richie Endorse Obama
Fri, 05/30/2008 - 8:26am
TDP Chairman Boyd Richie and his wife, DNC member Betty Richie, have endorsed Barack Obama. Both are superdelegates. These endorsements come ahead of tomorrow's Rules and Bylaws committee meeting, at which the fate of the delegations from Florida and Michigan will be decided.
Farmers Branch Ordinance Unconstitutional (Again)
Thu, 05/29/2008 - 10:30am
In case you missed it, the Farmers Branch city council is still trying to figure out how to make their unconstitutional city ordinance that turns apartment staffers into ICE agents work, and US District Judge Sam Lindsay has told them once again that it won't.
Secretary Kerry? Maybe?
Wed, 05/28/2008 - 2:15pm
The Associated Press has an interesting situation for you to consider — in a new Democratic administration, could John Kerry be a possible contender for Secretary of State?
Scott McClellan In: Off The Reservation
Wed, 05/28/2008 - 8:41am
I struggled with what to title this, but "Scott McClellan Loses His Mind" didn't seem to fit. Maybe what he's doing is entirely logical and isn't insane at all, even though it is highly irregular. McClellan has dropped a new book that reportedly describes the entire drive to war by the Bush administration wholly as a "political propaganda campaign."
Noriega Takes It To Cornyn
Tue, 05/27/2008 - 3:01pm
In op/ed form, Democratic Senate nominee (and State Representative) Rick Noriega asserts that Texas can do better than John Cornyn, who last week voted against the new GI Bill. You can feel free to enjoy it here, in the Houston Chronicle.