Bloomberg's Own Supporters Tired Of Bloomberg
Fri, 02/08/2008 - 3:00pm
The Draft Bloomberg gang has issued an ultimatum to Mike Bloomberg, telling him that he's got ten days to get in the race, or else. Or else what, I'm not sure. Maybe the Draft Bloomberg MP's will come for him. Anyways, details here.

By Patrick M McLeod
Fri, 02/08/2008 - 5:36pm
Oh, the snark! Why do you mock bipartisan compromise politics, Josh? Oh yeah, I forgot. We're all angry liberal bloggers around these parts.
Or else?
By draftbloomberg.
Sat, 02/09/2008 - 11:48am
The deadline to announce whether you are going to seek ballot access for an independent candidate in the state of Texas looms early in March. If Mayor Bloomberg wishes to seek the presidency in that state, then he has a very short window... hence, the request that he make a move. If he announces, then the window within which you can obtain the signatures from those in Texas that did not vote in the primary is also very short. Time is of the essence here.
For those that are interested in bringing Mike Bloomberg to the race, please join us by signing the petition to draft him at