Looking Past Pennsylvania to... Indiana?
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 11:00am
Interestingly enough, Indiana is shaping up to be a late spring battleground in the Democratic primary, as the candidates gear up for a full-on campaign in the Hoosier State. The Washington Post's Anne Kornblut thinks things are starting out knotted up and discusses the pros and cons for each candidate in a look ahead to the May 6th contest.

Two factors to consider in Indiana
By Lorenzo Sadun
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 12:46pm
Clinton is likely to be coming off a big win in PA, which will help her. However, it's not clear if she has enough money to simultaneously contest PA, NC and IN. By contrast, Obama has plenty of resources, both financial and volunteer. Look for lots of Chicago-based volunteers walking the streets of Gary.
BTW, I've added an update comment to the "Rest of the States" article. My current projections are for Clinton to gain a net 32 delegates on Obama in the remaining contests, which isn't nearly enough to tip the balance.
Indiana Will Be Clinton Country
By Patrick M McLeod
Tue, 03/25/2008 - 5:48pm
Indiana goes heavily Republican in Presidential elections. The Republican nomination is settled. Hillary Clinton did quite well in Ohio among blue collar manufacturing workers. Indiana has the nation's highest percentage of manufacturing jobs assessed on a state-by-state level. The bulk of those manufacturing jobs in Indiana are also concentrated upstate in the Chicago hinterland around Lake Michigan, the very place where I'd expect Obama to have his highest concentration of support.
Indiana is an open primary, so I expect to see the trend in Republicans crossing over to pollute our nomination process rise significantly. As Mark Blumenthal noted in this March 12th article for the National Journal, these Republican malicious crossovers have risen over time as John McCain has locked up the nomination.
Between Indiana's manufacturing base, the Hillary Republicans and the large swath of Indiana Democrats who have endorsed and are supporting Hillary Clinton (particularly Evan Bayh), I don't think Indiana will fare any better than Ohio for Obama.