McCain Picks Up Romney, Potential Delegates
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 2:13pm
The rumor is that Mitt Romney will endorse McCain a little later today and release his delegates, ostensibly to line up behind the senator from Arizona. And in this business, a rumor like that means that it is definitely going to happen.

Give It A Twist
By Patrick M McLeod
Thu, 02/14/2008 - 3:30pm
So the guy whose main endorsement as the Most Authentic Conservative Next To Fred Thompson came by virtue of not being John McCain is now going to release his delegates to him?
I've got to think that the movement conservatives feel like the knife has been stuck in and, now, twisted.
By Josh Berthume
Fri, 02/15/2008 - 7:52am
I have heard an argument that continuing to beat Huckabee will prove McCain's case to conservatives, but I would argue that if he doesn't continue to beat Huckabee, that makes his life awfully difficult.
Could Be Interesting, Probably Won't Be
By Patrick M McLeod
Fri, 02/15/2008 - 2:35pm
I side with your argument. It is inevitable that McCain is going to beat Huckabee unless there is some kind of titanic shift in voting patterns in the Republican primary.
A resilient Huckabee campaign is a risky thing for McCain because I feel it will discredit McCain as the "conservative" candidate. As long as Huckabee is in the race, it makes it hard for McCain to seal the deal before he hits the delegate totals.
However, given the domination of the authoritarian follower personality in Republican circles, I don't think Huckabee can do more than make it interesting down the stretch. As the work of Milgram and Altemeyer has shown, the authoritarian follower craves a leader.
McCain is that leader. And since that point is settled in the minds of so many Republican voters, the race is effectively over.