On The Record: Glenn Melançon
Fri, 03/21/2008 - 2:57pm
For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Glenn Melançon, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress in District 4.
What prompted you to run for public office?
I started running for congress after Hurricane Katrina. I went to high school in New Orleans, and during the hurricane, I watched good people die for no reason.
I grew up in a military family, and my father worked in the levee district in Louisiana. I knew what should have been done that day, and the government didn’t do it.
The American government had the callousness to watch Americans die, and steps should have been taken to ensure against this outcome.
What would you say are the primary issues concerning your area?
The two major issues of concern to North Texans are energy and health care. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small business or a regular citizen. The energy costs make it hard for us to provide for ourselves.
Congress has to reform these areas for us to sustain our quality of life.
What are your qualifications for the position for which you are running?
The founding fathers set up our government to see the U.S. Representatives represented by the average citizen.
I’m a father and a husband. I’ve been married to my wife of 19 years, and I have two sons.
I’m a history professor and studied history for years.
Average families like mine need a voice in Washington. The special interests are taking advantage of American families. Families like mine need a voice there to fight for affordable college tuition, energy and health care.
Who are the important political figures that inspired you to become active in politics?
One figure I believe did the most good for our country is Martin Luther King. He mobilized people and motivated change in this country. He forced the U.S. and the government to change.
I feel it’s a similar time in our history to make change. Washington doesn’t want to talk about health care or education. When average Americans demand change, we can affect change.
This is our moment in history, and we can make change. It’s too important to let it go by.
What is your biggest hope for Texas?
My biggest hope is to have a government that’s as good as its people.
I meet dedicated, good people in my run for congress everyday. It’s a shame that politicians in Washington and Austin aren’t as good and moral as the people I meet in Texas.
I hope to restore these good and moral qualities to our government. Our founding fathers wanted this, and I want this.

By smokymountains
Sat, 07/12/2008 - 10:02am
Glen, they died because they failed to heed the many warnings. Have you not watched the footage of the folks bragging about their hurricane parties. What would you have done to stop the levies from breaking? Is it smart to build below sea level Glen? Why were all the busses parked Glen? The Mayor Glen? Smokymountains
Dropping states
By George Nassar
Wed, 07/16/2008 - 11:10am
That's almost impressively ignorant. By your argument, we should just abandon half the state of Louisiana.
What you do to stop the levees from breaking is listen to the years' worth of prior warnings that stated the levees were sinking and continue the rebuilding efforts that President Bush cut the funding for by over 80% below the minimum level a year and a half before Katrina.
I'm sure you'd do fine if the government told you your home would no longer be kept safe and you should move or fend for yourself. But many are not so lucky.