On The Record: James Schico
Thu, 05/15/2008 - 2:18pm
For this episode of On the Record, we speak with James Schico, Democratic candidate for Ellis County Commissioner 3.
What prompted you to run for public office?
I am running for public office with the hope of making a difference in Ellis County.
What would you say are the primary issues concerning your area?
Road improvements are my primary objective, along with the consolidation of all county road services under the guide of a qualified engineer.
Commissioners, for the most part, are not engineers or possess the skills to manage civil engineering projects. It is further my objective to seek new revenue opportunities in order to reduce the burden on homeowners in order to pay for these services.
Secondly, I would like to see steps taken toward placing all civil process under the constables while the Sheriff’s Department concentrates strictly on law enforcement and detention.
What are your qualifications for the position for which you are running?
I have been employed by both municipal and county government entities. Even though my skills and work experience have been focused on law enforcement, I feel I have what it takes to manage a precinct commissioner’s office.
I managed a county department budget as a Chief Deputy and supervised employees. I have been accountable for property and equipment and prepared and presented a budget before a commissioner’s court.
I feel my law enforcement background will be valuable while considering the budget for each of Ellis County’s five law enforcement agencies.
How do politics affect your family?
My family supports me in my endeavor to become commissioner for Ellis County.
My family understands my goal is not to become dependant on the commissioner’s salary as a long-term income solution. I view this elected position as a short-term commitment to the community of no more than eight years.
I believe in term limits for all elected officials, not careers.
Who are the important political figures that inspired you to become active in politics?
Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt and Jimmy Carter, who I admire as a humanitarian and shows genuine concern for his fellow man, are all political heroes for me.
What is your biggest hope for Texas?
My hope for Texas is to move past our border dispute with Mexico and make progress in becoming a center for high-tech industries.
It is not my desire for Texas to become a series of warehouses for foreign products or a pathway for products traveling from China through Mexico to other areas of the country.
I want to see Texas become progressive and bring manufacturing and skilled jobs back to the United States soil creating a more vibrant economy so all citizens can live and prosper.

No qualifications
By smokymountains
Sat, 07/12/2008 - 10:10am
Your qualifications fall short of those needed. Mexico is a corrupt country with corrupt heads, is that what you wwant for our Texas? Smokymountains
Answer to your question
By James1634
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 12:42am
I will be very clear with you about what I am saying. Keep in mind "Smokey" that I want Texas to be the center for highly skilled jobs occupied by qualified legal US citizens or legally documented workers. I do not want Texas to be the staging ground or a series of warehouses for Chinese’s products coming through Texas on their way North. However, you are free to dispute my commitment to the American Worker and my desire to bring skilled jobs home to Texas.
Second, I am running for County Commissioner not governor, State Representative, State Senate, of any other post. The position I am running for deals with county precinct roads and bridges, approval of county budgets, and voting on various motions and ordinances brought before the court.
James Schico
Candidate for Ellis County, Texas Commissioner Pct 3