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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Boyd Richie


About this Writer

Boyd Richie was unanimously elected Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party on April 22, 2006. Boyd is a life-long Democrat and Texas native with an extensive history of service to the party.

Boyd started his career in politics and government at a young age – joining his father and siblings block walking for Democratic U.S Senator from Texas, Ralph Yarborough, who later sponsored him as a U.S. Senate Page. After high school, Boyd attended Midwestern State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1966. He received his JD from Texas Tech Law School as a member of their first graduating class.

In 1976, Boyd beat an incumbent to be elected District Attorney for the 90th Judicial District, which covered three counties. A lawyer in private practice for over 35 years, he’s currently serving his third term as County Attorney for Young County. Boyd has also served as Vice President of the Young County Bar Association and in 2005, was elected a life fellow of the Texas Bar Association.

Prior to being elected Chair, Boyd served two terms on the State Democratic Executive Committee and was Chair of Audit Subcommittee of the Finance Committee. Boyd also volunteered countless hours for Democratic candidates and organizations including Texas Democratic Women and his wife’s, Betty Richie, campaign for the state legislature. Boyd was appointed by President Bill Clinton to the Selective Service Local Board, a position he held until his election as Young County Attorney.

During his first speech as Chairman, Boyd’s message to Texas Democrats was “our job is not win arguments, but to win elections” and announced his five point plan to revitalize the Texas Democratic Party and expand field staff and grassroots trainings, build a pro-active communications team and incorporate modern technology into the Party’s fundraising, communications and outreach strategies.

Married to DNC Member Betty Richie for 39 years, Boyd is the proud father of two and grandfather of four. In his spare time, Boyd is an avid sportsman and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Graham, Texas.


Member for
16 years 50 weeks