Video: Ron Kirk in the Spin Room
Sun, 02/24/2008 - 5:20pm
Former Dallas mayor and Barack Obama supporter Ron Kirk discusses why he thinks Obama is doing for politics what Tiger Woods did for golf and what J.K. Rowling did for literature, and what has most excited him about Obama's campaign in Texas. Video after the jump.

Ron Kirk
Mon, 02/25/2008 - 10:16am
This is another fluff comment. I am not willing to gamble during such a dire time on the unknown. We did that with George Bush!!
It's a "movement" however as Kirk says it's fueled by "young people' and they do not with all due respect have the same issues at stake in some of these serious issues that the rest of us do. What really bothers me is that figures and facts just are not that important to these people when we need them more than EVER right now.
He is a complete unknown, talking about "magical moments" and "heat" has nothing to do with the terrible things we are facing and the problems that will land in the presidents lap the second he or she walks into that oval office.
The "momentum' was handed over to him by a rampantly biased media for over a month. Without it he would not have "miraculously" shot up so far. Their policies are very much the same because he literally co opted much of her agenda. If he had to do that and from what I've heard him say, he just doesn't have a full grasp of these complex problems. We are all going to wake up with buyers remorse!!
He also talks as if those of us not falling under the spell don't want change, or "are afraid of change" that's a load of hooey with a due respect. I want change AND experience. She IS change!! A big one apparently that frankly I think is more frightening than anything to most people because yes, she most certainly was held to much higher standard than he was. If he was a woman trying to run on that razor thin record and these "rallies" she'd be laughed right off the ballot.
He has belittled her experience as a way to make his inexperience not so much of an issue. He's clever but, not practiced in the ways of Washington and we really DO need that.
I'm rather resentful actually because if we all end up with this gamble not working it's something we can not afford!!
Frankly, this fervor is tiresome and will wear off. Then what??? Republicans are voting for him in this part of the election. Look anywhere on the web at the republican sites. They have done so in every state and guess what? They are NOT planning to stay with him in the general election...Obama says he can afford to lose them. And he has assumed those supporting Clinton are going to vote for him but, he turned a lot of people off with his deceitful smooth talk and when he said "Her supporters will vote for me but, I'm not sure mine would vote for her." earlier on.
Oh really? I've done ten polls all over the net and people are so upset that he is putting the country at risk for his own gain they all save one person said no way they were voting for him so if you are voting for him now get ready for McCain!!
What the hell is wrong with people? This is serious business.
You know what really gets me though? If he had waited and gone as her vp, the dems had a possible shot at 16 years running in the White House AND would have had an unbeatable team against McCain. Why not? He already used most of her ideas *hence the nearly identical policies* See, that shows me a supreme lack of thinking ahead...and tells me he wants this right now for his own reasons whether or not he can actually do what he says he can. And if he can't??? Has Obama asked himself this question or is he so narcissistic he believes as a one term senator he cannot fail??? His health care plan already costs more and covers fewer people...lord save us from ourselves if this is who we are voting for in the middle of all the crisis we are facing.
I'm more inspired by someone who actually has proved themselves for a little longer than Senator Obama has. If I wanted motivation I'd go to a Tony Robbins seminar but, I wouldn't vote Tony Robbins for president!!
By Patrick M McLeod
Mon, 02/25/2008 - 12:22pm
Eh? Could you provide links to these polls?
I second that
By Josh Berthume
Mon, 02/25/2008 - 1:39pm
I'd like to see that polling data.