What Women Voters Need In 2008
Wed, 01/30/2008 - 3:01pm
What do women voters need in 2008? I say it is economic security and affordable health care, and not the rotten health insurance system plaguing the U.S.
Women make less money than men. "It is widely known that women, on average, receive less pay than men do," (Gasser, Oliver and Tan 1998; Davidson and Cooper 1992); the typical wage for a woman in the U.S. is 77 percent of that for a man.
Leaving aside why women are paid less, let's recognize that people with less money have to do more for themselves and the people for whom they care. They cannot hire others to do it all. This is true for single women, students, working women, mothers, housewives on limited budgets in today's hard economic times, women of older age (outliving men, so there are more of them), and soccer moms. Women must multi-task and be efficient.
What do women without sufficient funds give up? The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that more than a quarter of U.S. women delayed or went without health care because they couldn't afford it. (BMJ July 16 2007). With lower levels of education, lower prospects in employment, health care tied to jobs, and "navigating an increasingly complex health care system," (Ibid), it's no secret that health care greatly impacts women. My three years and 650 trips talking to Texas voters between 2004 and 2006 and continued discussions in the last year lead to a conclusion consistent with the economic data: women have economic concerns, and care deeply about health care, both for themselves and for their families.
With an aging baby boomer populace, the lack of coverage for elder care and nursing, and the greater lifespan of women than men, health care concerns will only increase.
With a crisis in health care coverage, which particularly affects Texas as it has the highest rate of uninsured children in the nation (CPPP State of Texas Children 2007), Texas women have reason for concern.
As poverty increases in Texas (ibid) and working and middle class people become increasingly affected by economic and health care problems and inadequacies, the voters, particularly women voters, should be more receptive to solutions in health care and economic well being. Will they vote? Yes, if permitted and motivated. All levels of vote activity are required, including legal protections and the ongoing fights against intimidation and suppression of voters, especially affecting the categories of affected Texans.
Current officeholders appear bent on keeping their jobs, suppressing registration and turnout and preventing redistricting which could lead to a restoration of a two party system to Texas statewide and bolster the number of voices in Congress who are willing to stand up for true health care and economic reform. We must remove cost barriers to voting in economically vulnerable areas. Difficult systems of voter identification and requalification, like the poll tax, represent an ongoing threat, as the U.S. Supreme Court is well-aware.
Candidates and activists can do their part by recognizing the falsity of health care "reform" proposals, such as using health savings accounts, to achieving reasonably priced, accessible health care. The solution lies not in forcing people to pay whatever insurance premiums and prices are foisted on them. The solution lies in reasonable insurance regulation and removing the tremendous burden on business and employees of the antiquated employer-based health insurance system. No one except the insurance company can be healthy in the current system.
In sum: women voters have plenty of issues and burdens to multi-task. Health care, its cost, and economic security will be top of the list in 2008.

general needs
By partyfree
Sat, 02/02/2008 - 10:24am
Big point to health care is always financial, because wages have stagnated, high-paying manufacturing and other jobs have been repeatedly outsourced, while medical-related issues (including insurance, big time) raise prices, whether due to expense or greed. THAT'S why people can't afford health care. They can't AFFORD health care. Add to that the way the medical groups pay off Congressmen to write laws to protect them, and you have poor quality at increasing prices. When the care per dollar gets bad enough, it won't matter if we become socialist--it might be a step up. And THAT's WHAT the robber-baron bankers that took over the government WANT. They want to move to global international Communitarianism, so they will no longer have to answer to the masses, i.e., in the USA, the citizen constituents--the voters.
Having said that, the other big problem, one which you naturally will not admit, is the "Party" system is what ruined this country, leading to deals and sell outs. The USA was supposed to be about THE PEOPLE, not the cliques and groups and cults and clubs and BARS they could form. I know, I know, why be honest when you can be rich? Well, I suggest it because it's short sighted. As the Republic has been destroyed, we lack the resources to fight off the internationalists. Today a lot of "Party" members hallucinate if they can tear the sytstem part just enough, the robber barons will allow them to remain in charge. The hallucination there is that the barons care about their elitist managers.
Anyway, humans need rights, and our USA system was setup to fish for justice. Women need to continue moving towards equality, taking their place of equal pay for equal work, etc. There is no better country for it than this; once this one is choked there will be nowhere.
"With all the imperfections of our present government, it is without comparison the best existing or that ever did exist."
--Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President
"Hold on, my friends, to the constitution and to the republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again."
--Daniel Webster
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."
--James Madison, 4th President
"Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a powerful plant."
--George Washington, 1st President
"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe."
--John Adams, 2nd President of the United States.
"We the people are the rightful masters of Congress and the courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
--Abraham Lincoln, 16th President