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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

At Best, Texans Ruled By Slick Used-Car Salesmen

Believing the hype pushed by the governor and legislators is much the same as buying a used-car from "Honest" Harry’s used car lot. To get you to spend your hard-earned cash and buy the broken-down heap, Harry makes it look like it's the best deal on four wheels. He’ll "spit-shine" it and tell you about all the "bells and whistles" that come with the purchase, even if you can’t see them with your own eyes.

Then after you buy the glorified heap, "Honest" Harry will follow you around for a while reminding you of what a great deal you just made and how lucky you are that you have him as your salesman.

Sound familiar?

It should, because that’s the same kind of deal we Texans got from the governor and the legislature when they triumphantly sold us the legislation that is supposed to be the great deal for Texas public schools, homeowners and businesses! By the way, we’d probably get a better guarantee from "Honest" Harry than we did from our elected officials.

A few quick questions:

  • Why would BIG businesses support and be so happy about the new law on paying their business taxes?
  • What good is cutting property taxes and putting a cap on appraisal values, when the court determined that the statewide school property tax system is illegal, and schools soon will need local districts to increase property taxes in the near future? In addition, it adds a control to home values, which over time will hurt homeowners when they sell.
  • Why increase taxes ONLY on cigarettes? Why not on all tobacco products? Why not also on all alcohol products?
  • Why increase the tax only on used vehicles? Why not on all vehicles new and used?
  • Why offer to give back $2,000 per teacher (and actually return only $400) when two years ago much more was taken from them in combined salary and benefits?

Upon closer scrutiny, it sure does look like old "Honest" Harry may not be the only dishonest salesman in Texas.

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