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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Bill White's New Environmental Battle

After targeting corporations that pollute the air in Houston on several fronts, Mayor Bill White is now expanding the focus to include the state agency that hands out the permits to those companies in the first place.

The plan is to take the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to task for insufficiently regulating the amount of pollution produced by companies to which permits are issued. White hopes to argue on behalf of Houston that thresholds on certain chemical pollutants can't be properly governed without regulating total pollution output.

This is a creative new tactic in a massive struggle against corporations that have operated in an environment that is largely unregulated. Bill White keeps proving that he's willing to go to the mat for Houston on environmental issues and that he isn't afraid to advocate for responsible business practices in the process. These new tactics show that he's also willing to take on the gears of government along the way, as well.

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