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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Billl Tracker: HB 460 Identity Theft

This bill amends our current identity theft bill. HB 460 would create a third degree penalty if the crime were committed against a deceased natural person, including a stillborn infant or fetus. The bill also adds an additional element necessary to prosecute this offense. Under this bill, a person commits the offense if the person does so with the intent to harm or defraud another. The additional requirement of proving intent to harm or defraud elevates the standard necessary to get a conviction.

This bill has a Senate companion SB 788. Currently, there have been public hearings on the measure, but it has been left in committee as of February 27, 2007.

Punishing an identity thief is one thing, but what can we do if we are the victims of identity theft?

Lake Conroe has some great advice. The site gives a checklist of who to contact. This link is worth saving.

I have also included two additional resources: 1) the Social Security Administration; and 2) the Attorney General’s Office

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