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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Clinton and Edwards' Post-Debate Pow-wow

File this one under "politics makes strange bedfellows:" The Washington Post blog has heard from eyewitnesses that Clinton and Edwards apparently had something to discuss after yesterday's contentious debate.

Word is, after the fireworks between Clinton and Obama in yesterday's debate came to a close, Clinton and Edwards agreed to talk and met in Edwards' green room for 20 minutes. There is no word as to the subject of the discussion, so of course speculation is rampant. Some think that this may point to Edwards dropping out and endorsing Clinton, as he hasn't won a primary yet. But others think that Clinton needs Edwards to stay in the primary race, to siphon votes away from Obama. The Post's blog entry states that "his post-campaign strategy is surely in the air," which would seem to imply that they think Edwards may get some sort of nod from the Clinton campaign if she were to be the nominee.

Of course, the beauty of conjecture is that everything is possible and nothing is known. Unless we get details as to the conversation, it would seem that this may be nothing more than an interesting aside that we can look at again at the end of the primary season.

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