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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Coleman Keeps Tabs On CHIP

In yesterday's Roundup, we noted that Rep. John Davis (R-Houston) filed a bill retracting some of the 2003 cuts to the Children's Health Insurance Program. Rep. Garnet Coleman, who authored and co-sponsored CHIP in 1999, seems to be happy that some of the cuts to CHIP are being rescinded, but reminds us that many of those that are supporting the retractions today are the same people that voted for the cuts in 2003.

He lays out details on how those cuts have left hundreds of thousands of children without health insurance in a timeline on his Web site that tracks CHIP enrollment since April 2003. The article is a good bit of investigative reporting on the part of Rep. Coleman's team, and deserves a read-through from anyone concerned with how the state has been putting the welfare of Texas' children on the back burner for the past four years.

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