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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Democratic National Convention 2008 Recap: Video of Best Speeches

We here at the Blue have spent this week eating, breathing, and sleeping the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. The event's over, Senator Obama has accepted the nomination, and it's time for a recap — so, here for your viewing pleasure, are the five most important speeches of this year's historic convention, as judged by yours truly, in chronological order.

Really, it was quite a year for speeches. Ted Kennedy made a surprise appearance and pulled off what can only be described as a Kennedy speech; it was a sight to see. And Hillary gave what many felt was the most heartfelt speech she has ever given. But if you have to only watch one — and you may, as this one is 45 minutes long — watch Sen. Obama's nomination acceptance speech. It is the best political speech I have seen in a long time — possibly even the best given in my lifetime. No, I don't think I'm exaggerating. It's that good.

Ted Kennedy's speech:

Hillary Clinton's speech:

Bill Clinton's speech:

Joe Biden's speech:

Barack Obama's speech:

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