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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Dick Cheney Does Not Care What You Think

The Iraq War's five year anniversary has been an occasion for both sides of the debate to reassert their positions.

President Bush gave another optimistic speech about the war, praising the success of the troop surge and asserting that the Iraq War is vital in the fight against al-Qaeda.

The rest of the country is not so enthusiastic. There have been widespread protests in Washington, DC, including a rally at the IRS office. According to a CBS News poll, 64 percent of Americans don't believe that the war's results are worth the price. But Dick Cheney is not concerned with public opinion. When an ABC News reporter reminded him that two-thirds of Americans are against the war, he gave a very telling response.

Cheney justified this terse dismissal of the vast majority of Americans by saying that he cannot be swayed by "fluctuations in the opinion polls." He then compared himself, in true self-congratulatory style, to Abraham Lincoln.

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