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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Edwards family has tough expectations to live up to

The Edwards family has some fairly tough expectations to live up to. They dealt with political defeat and life changing illness within a 24 hour period and did it with grace and strength. They've lived through the loss of a child with caring, love, and courage. How does a family live up to that legacy?

They live up to it by doing it one more time. Elizabeth Edwards has announced that her cancer has returned. She has a localized recurrence in a rib, although not the one she "fortuitously broke" that sent her to the doctor. The notion that her cancer has, or will ever be "cured" is gone. She will deal with this for the rest of her life.

I've seen political families deal with adversity with "courage" before. Bill and Hillary stood stiffly as he admitted an affair. Pat and Richard put on a brave face as he climbed aboard Marine One for the last time after a resignation. I'm not sure I believe in those smiles. I believe the Edwards'.

I believe that this family is, as they admitted, understandably shaken by the news of the last few days. I also believe that their courage and devotion, as was plainly evident at their press conference, is nothing but genuine. This is a family that has faced the loss of a child. This is a family that lost an election one day and revealed a serious illness the next. I believe their honesty, that they would walk away from the campaign if it were going to affect her health is genuine. These are strong, honest people. They're a little scared right now, but they've been here before. They're sad right now, but they've been sadder. They're a little shaken right now but they know that faith, honesty, and love can see people through some bad times, and they clearly have all the faith, honesty, and love any family could ever hope for.

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