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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Environmental Coup

What do you get when 500 climate scientists gather to discuss greenhouse gases?

Disdain for Republican environmental policy. Which is exactly what will be happening in Paris this week, as scientists gather to discuss global climate change.

The environment is a front issue for most politicians at this point in their career. A politician struggles, currently, with making the environment a top priority and making it feasible for the average American citizen to comply with the standards which need to be set. However, when governments, namely the Bush administration, alter official scientific findings dealing with global warming, it makes everyone's lives more complicated...except, seemingly, for theirs.

Scientists have put together their own way of finding out the facts about global warming by conducting a questionnaire for scientists whom have reported directly to the US government. The questionnaire reported tampering of documents which alter the outcome of their findings regarding the environmental climate.

The Bush administration constantly throws the environment on the back burner of their legislative agenda, and we are feeling the effects. Placing business before the environment will not cut it any longer when there are so many alternatives. With the possibility of a new global warming task force on the state level, accountability may follow. With someone to answer to and new business ideas for becoming environmentally sound, this sort of behavior may not be viable much longer.

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