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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Fox Acknowledges "Baby Mama" Gaffe

It's nothing new for Fox to display its political bias, but in the last few weeks, comments by Fox analysts and anchors have crossed the boundaries of credibility and decency. Most recently, they used a term at once racist, sexist, and inaccurate to describe Barack Obama's wife. It would probably have been libelous too, if they had any idea what they were talking about. Maybe next time they'll be a bit more careful with using slang they clearly don't understand in a desperate bid to sound cool.

Bill Shine, Senior VP at Fox News, apologized today, stating that a producer exercised "poor judgment." Hopefully this vague apology will accompany stricter editorial control, to minimize such tactless additions to the national debate. If not, then at least we won't be short of things to blog about in the foreseeable future.

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