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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

A Holiday Message

As the holiday season is in full swing, I am constantly reminded of the thousands of reasons I am proud to be a Democrat. We are a party made of hardworking men and women looking for a better America provided by ourselves and the government.

After working in the Democratic Congress for the last four months I am truly thankful this holiday season for our hardworking elected officials and their staffs. Although Democrats won in 2006, there are still many battles left to face. SCHIP, Iraq, the Energy Bill, and Social Security are only a few of the critical issues to be addressed in the following months. I hope everyone takes time this holiday season to spend time with loved ones, but more importantly to spend time with the ones without love and care.

Texas is home to some of the greatest and compassionate representatives in state and federal government, each working hard to make sure our priorities are discussed and opinions taken into account. Although many of us are frustrated by the pace of Congress and the continued vetoes by President Bush, it brings to mind my holiday wish. For the 2008 year, I hope voters see the need for a continued and stronger presence of Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate in order to accurately and effectively handle the business of the people. So, every time you get angry that a piece of legislation did not get passed, remember there are still Republicans in the House and Senate blocking progress.

Happy Holidays!

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