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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Make Hip-Hop Not War

The Hip Hop Caucus is a nonprofit organization that is geared towards strengthening social movements throughout the country. What is unique about the organization’s tactics is their use of pop culture to inspire people on a community level. The group has become well-known for the commotion they stir up whenever a cause comes along that they feel passionate about. The Hip Hop Caucus especially received lots of media attention for the stance that they took against the Iraq War. Apparently Bush doesn’t like soul or rap music, because the group was arrested outside the White House during one of their larger organized protests against his war efforts.

The group has participated in several other causes outside of the war in Iraq as well. After Katrina, the group held protests against FEMA and other such causes. The Hip Hop Caucus has also been involved with helping the homeless, as well as helping out with Get Out The Vote efforts.

Today while surfing for “the goods” in Washington, I stumbled across one of the most recent efforts of The Hip Hop Caucus. The group has organized a national event called Make Hip-Hop Not War. The purpose of the event is to “provide the anti-war movement with a surge that could transform current public opinion which opposes the war into powerful mobilization against the war,” according to the group. The organization hopes to not only shed light on opinions of young people about the war, but to also give a positive impression of Hip-Hop on those who may usually have a negative one.

The tour will show that not only do legislators and business executives care about what is going on in Iraq, but so do the young people who see the effects of the war in their lives everyday. For every parent that is sending a son or daughter to Iraq, someone’s close friend or sibling is there too. The youth of America cares, and now it is time to speak up. Heck, as the group shows, you can even sing about it if you want.

Texans will have a chance to see Make Hip-Hop Not War right here on our turf. The group will be in Crawford, Texas on April 7 and 8. You can find out more details on their website at Anyone who has the time should really check out what they have to say.

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