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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Might It Be Evan Bayh?

MSNBC is reporting that the Obama press team is scheduled to land in Indiana on Tuesday and not leave for almost 24 hours.

While it is interesting that they are heading to campaign in Indiana, the long amount of time in the state has many wondering if a certain VP announcement of Evan Bayh might happen there before the Olympics begin.


The Bilerico Project, is making the 'gutsy' call of predicting that, indeed, Bayh will be named Obama's VP on Wednesday. Bilerico reports that he has been invited to an event Wednesday morning yet the details hadn't been disclosed and it is not on Obama's calendar.

Don't know if I buy it, but if Obama's to name this week, certainly seems like that may be it...otherwise, he's likely to wait until during/after the Olympics.

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