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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Misrememberance: The Prequel

There is one word and one phrase I could gladly live the rest of my life without hearing after this nomination battle: Misremember (in any iteration) and "throwing ___ under the bus".

Alas, I can't even find solitude from this word and this phrase in the nightly half hour of The Daily Show. Last night Master of Iraq Disaster, Bush apologist and intelligence masseuse extraordinaire Doug Feith fired the latest volley from the quiver of misrememberances during an interview with John Stewart:

STEWART: If you knew the perils, but the conversation that you had with the public painted a rosier picture, how is that not deception? The fact that you seemed to know all the risks takes this from manslaughter to homicide. […]

FEITH: When people read this book, I think people will be surprised to be reminded of what was actually said. I think a lot of people’s perceptions of what was said are filtered through the recent history. … I think they misremember a lot.

In closing, any mention of Doug Feith shall forever be tied to what General Tommy Franks thought of him (see page 281's highlight).

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