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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Prominent 527's Sitting Out

The 2004 election saw a preponderance of well-funded attack ads. Independent pro-Republican groups are still raking in cash for the campaign ($80 million in the first 16 months, nearly double what they made four years ago in that period) but that money has been spread out over a larger number of groups. So where are the vicious attack ads this year?

McClatchy's Washington bureau reports that the checkbooks behind the two biggest anti-Kerry machines aren't getting involved in 2008. T. Boone Pickens, who funded the infamous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, is staying out of the presidential race. Instead, his spokesman said, he'll be turning his attention to "a major, bipartisan, energy-focused public policy initiative that will be announced soon."

DCI Group, the PR firm behind the anti-Kerry, pro-Bush Progress for America, is staying out of politics altogether. In addition to their 2004 activities, you might remember them as the firm who did PR for the Myanmar junta. Their CEO was appointed by renowned and trusted anti-lobbyist John McCain to chair the RNC in 2008.

According to the article, post-'04 federal regulations, fear of backlash, and unwillingness to back McCain are contributing to the silence of the 527's. With a lack of willing investors, the big-budget independent attack ads may not be a factor in the election. Frustrating as it may be to contemplate, they may not be necessary for this election. Despite their lack of veracity, damaging rumors about Democratic nominee Barack Obama have proven disturbingly resilient.

Incidentally, the New York Times ran a feature yesterday on Swift boat veterans, many of whom want to reclaim that term as a badge of honor, rather than a synonym for ignominious campaign attacks.

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