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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

On The Record: Jean Snider

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Jean Snider, the Burleson County Democratic Party Chair.

How did you get started in politics? Did you come to it in your youth or later on?

I became involved through my grandparents. They explained to me that if there’s a Republican in the White House, there is a recession and then explained to me what a recession was. I have always been interested and aware since then.

What was your personal progression from the role of activist to the role of County Chair?

My county had no County Chair and the elections were coming up. I had planned a chili supper and invited about 50 people, including our County Judge and candidates. The judge asked everyone to vote for me to take over County Chair right there, and I have been County Chair for the last 10 years.

What would you say are the primary issues concerning Burleson County?

Health care and the cost of health care is a really big issue here. I believe the war is the biggest issue in the Democratic Party. The people in Burleson County can’t stand to see anymore kids killed in the war.

Do you have any ambition for higher office? Do you have plans to run for any other party office, or possibly even public office?

No, I need to retire soon. I have been County Chair for 10 years, and someone needs to take my place. I will never stop being an activist, though.

Who are some of your political heroes?

J.F.K. and Bill Clinton were great leaders for the country. Clinton did so much for this country, and in the eight years he was our President, he achieved so much. He really listened to what the country needed and responded accordingly.

Hillary Clinton is bright and understands how things really are, and she knows what to do about the issues our country is facing.

What are you looking forward to in the coming cycle?

I am excited about the good, qualified candidates we have running in the upcoming elections. Larry Joe Doherty is a good Democratic candidate that I am looking forward to. I want the Democrats to take over the U.S. Senate seat in the state, and we have a good chance to make it happen.

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