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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

On The Record: Joyce Carver

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Joyce Carver, Hood County Democratic Party Chair.

How did you get started in politics? Did you come to it in your youth or later on?

I ran for office in 1995 and I got beat. I started getting involved and became a precinct chair.

What was your personal progression from the role of activist to the role of County Chair?

After I was a precinct chair, there was an opening for the County Chair. I have been the County Chair for 10 years now.

What would you say are the primary issues concerning Hood County?

I hate to say it, but we do not have one elected Democratic official, and I have worked for it for 10 years. The dynamic changed over in 1995, and we have had nothing but Republicans in office since then. There are so many things people should be thinking about, like health insurance and the war in Iraq. It seems the Republicans could care less about these issues. They’re on the band wagon to be Republicans. I think Texas is changing, but not in this area.

There are “big money” areas that came with the lake, and two huge precincts vote Republican and hardly any Democrats vote in those two areas.

Do you have any ambition for higher office? Do you have plans to run for any other party office, or possibly even public office?

No, I would if I was younger, but not now. I have been involved as County Chair for a while, and I guess I’ll run next time. We just keep working.

Who are some of your political heroes?

Bill Clinton is a hero of mine. I think Hillary is going to be another hero, also. I liked Kennedy and Carter. I like them all; I’m a “Yellow Dog.” We have Congressman Chet Edwards in our District, and everyone is very happy with the work he has done and is doing.

What are you looking forward to in the coming cycle?

I am looking forward to working very hard for whoever wins the Presidential primary election. I like Hillary, but I am excited for all of our candidates.

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