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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

On The Record: Rusty Noletubby

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Rusty Noletubby, county chair for the Sterling County Democratic Party.

What would you say are the primary issues concerning your area?

The big issue is the aging population here. There is nothing to keep young people in the area after they graduate. They are gone as soon as they finish school.

Ranching or the oil fields are the primary industries.

Do you have any ambition for higher office? Do you have plans to run for any other party office, or possibly even public office?

Not right now. I am a paramedic, and six months ago, I started working in a new county. I like it pretty well. My main concentration is to be better at my job. I am going to school right now to get my nursing degree, so I am trying to focus on that area of my life.

Who are some of your political heroes?

Of course, Kennedy is a political hero for me. Clinton did a good job and might have done more if they had left him alone.

My dad is a commissioner in Sterling, and he has always been for the regular, working people. The Republicans are about big business and money, but somebody has to be for the working class.

What are you looking forward to in the coming cycle?

I am looking forward to George Bush out of office, finally. That situation is the biggest mess I have seen in quite sometime.

What advice would you give to young people just getting into politics?

Remember where you came from. I think a big problem with politics is people come in idealistic and honestly try to do the right thing for their voters, but the system is set up so you have people in office forever and the back scratching starts. After a term or two, the newly elected official is just like the people they replaced. I do not think it is intentional, but they try to do things for the people and they do not notice they have gone so far.

Take a step back to reflect on your position.

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