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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Texas Blue Mailbag, Week of 12/16/2007

This week's Mailbag brings manipulation of the yuan, much to our surprise, along with some holiday levity. Happy Holidays!

Barb asks:

How does China's manipulation of the yuan affect the American people?

Josh replies:

I will defer to Chuck Schumer on this one, because his answer is very concise:

"[China] refuses to let its currency float freely and places strict controls on the movement of capital from within its borders to the outside world. Accordingly, economists suggest that China’s currency is undervalued by anywhere from 15 to 40% relative to the American dollar.

"What does this mean for American businesses? First, it means that American goods are artificially expensive for Chinese buyers. So the pegged currency effectively protects Chinese producers from outside competition. More importantly, it means that Chinese goods are artificially cheap compared to goods produced in other countries, making it difficult for industries there to compete with their Chinese counterparts."

E from Brazoria asks:

Why is Thompson pretending to run for the presidency?

George says:

I will defer to Fred Thompson on this one, because his answer is very concise:

Trying to encourage his studio to hurry up so an interview could start, Carl Cameron of Fox News said into his microphone: "The next president of the United States has a schedule to keep." Standing beside him, a deadpan Mr Thompson interjected: "And so do I."

Running? Who's running?

Metal Mike asks:

Who is the best fundraiser in the political game and what makes them the "best"?

Josh replies:
Terry McAuliffe is the best, because he once wrestled an alligator to get $10,000 for Jimmy Carter. End of story.

JDD asks:

Which campaign has the best holiday ad?

George answers:

Depends on what you're going for, I guess. Obama's gets the nod for the traditional holiday message, and Edwards for remembering what the holiday is about. Awkward, painful humor? Probably Giuliani. And if you're going for your classic veiled-fundamentalist This Is A Christian Holiday Season message, Huckabee would get the thumbs up.

So, in other words: the real winner here, as always, is The American People.

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