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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Voters Squelch Hays County Road Bond Boondoggle

Information and knowledge is power!

Hays County voters sent a clear message to pro-toll, pro-road bond profiteers by voting "No" on Road Bond Proposition 1, which would have made many special interest parasites much more wealthy, homeowners much poorer, and the beautiful Hill Country environment much less attractive.

Many of my Hays County neighbors and friends worked very hard to defeat this special interest crusade led by so many developers and profiteers. They did so via hard work in communicating the realities to their fellow voters to combat the false claims made by those pushing the bill and attempting to implement fear tactics.

Hays County voters also struck a blow for residents of all counties throughout Texas who may have been next on the list for this kind of proposal. We surely have not heard the last from road bond proponents, and they still have many "fish in the frying pan," but we did stop them this time!

To my friends and neighbors, I'd like to quote the legendary and longtime World Series-winning New York Yankee manager, Casey Stengel, who would compliment you all by saying, "You done elegantly!"

(We're die-hard Red Sox fans here at the editorial desk, but we'll let Peter slide on this one. —G.N. ed.)

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