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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Wednesday Roundup: McCain Takes (Another) Beating

Did you know John McCain is running for President? He made it official today, much to everyone's surprise. I'm glad to see it, though. I was starting to think he was kidding.

In case you missed it, McCain was on the Daily Show last night, and things were pleasant enough until McCain started pulling the classic GOP stuff about dishonoring the troops by criticising the war. Jon Stewart, more or less, took him apart.

Dennis Kucinich girded up his loins yesterday and filed articles of impeachment on Bush and Cheney. This is just about the saddest thing I've read in the news in a while:

A reporter from the Cleveland Plain Dealer encouraged USS Kucinich to contact planet Earth. "But Nancy Pelosi says this is not going anywhere," she pointed out.

"Have you talked to her today?" Kucinich shot back.

"Yes, I did," she replied.

Kucinich had not expected that answer. "Then I would say I have not talked to her," he acknowledged.

Lest you think Bush and Cheney are taking it easy lately, they've been busying themselves with combating bad press on the Iraq War. Again. The argument over the Iraq funding bill that the Democrats are going to send to Bush will last for a while. People should probably be upset that, after complaining about delays in providing funding for the troops, Bush is going to veto a bill that would provide funding for the troops, thus in turn delaying funding for the troops.

Did you hear that the Office of Special Counsel is investigating Karl Rove? Ethics groups aren't impressed, saying that Scott Bloch, the man conducting the investigations, is unlikely to do an effective (or even real) job. I figured Rove would weasel out of any real examination of what he's been up to, but he one-upped me by starting a fake investigation of himself.

Dewhurst announced his intentions to get the voter ID bill and the primary date change through the Senate. He says that he's always been able to work something out when one group or another has had designs on blocking legislation, but I'm not sure what you can work out on the ID bill. It's just so... bad. Maybe I'll call Senator Ellis and see what the negotiations will entail.

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