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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Wednesday Roundup: Your Blackberry Doesn't Work

Imagine the horror. It is like something out of a Stephen King novel: politicos and press members all discover at the end of a news-heavy Tuesday that their Blackberries don't work. The truth is even worse — they still don't, and the Blackberry customer service line simply informs you that they are having some problems.

There is suspicion now among TYC investigators that people are hiding evidence from them. In the investigations over allegations of sexual abuse by guards, some surveillance footage was discovered that may have been informative in an investigation that has already ended. That the tapes were found just sort of laying around the former TYC inspector general's office is disconcerting, to say the least.

The bill to move the Texas primary to February 5th sailed through the House and then crashed against the state Senate Republican caucus on Monday. Now there are signs that the change might not happen after all. As I am unabashedly in favor of elections, it also stands to reason that I am unabashedly in favor of having them as soon as possible, especially when it would give Texas a little extra power in national determinance. Ramping up for such a thing so close to the holidays will be a pain, but hey — we're in politics. Are there any true holidays in politics?

A constitutional amendment requiring a record, roll-call final vote on all legislation was passed in the state House unanimously on Tuesday, and while the final passage and adoption of such an amendment would not stop all the chicanery related to votes when important stuff happens — I offer this year's Speaker's race as Exhibit A — it would at least make a step in the right direction for transparency and accountability. If it gets through the Senate, I feel confident it would pass in the state referendum. Of course, I thought the primary date change thing would get through the Senate with relatively little trouble, so that shows what I know.

Here's a weird story: Rick Perry is going to El Paso to ride a motorcycle. The mayor of El Paso, John Cook, got him a bike to ride. Perry has ridden enough to have owned his own Harley. However, where the pair will be riding is a secret, because, according to Mayor Cook, Perry doesn't want a bunch of bikers showing up.


Finally, did you know Mitt Romney is worth something like $500 million? Did you know there's a law allowing candidates in federal races to accept campaign contributions exceeding the usual limits if they are facing a wealthy, self-funded challenger? Did you know that law doesn't apply to presidential races? If you didn't (or your name rhymes with Rohn McBain) you should read this article from The Hill for more information.

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