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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Where's Waldo? Vice-Presidential Edition

First Dick Cheney was part of the executive branch. Then he was part of the legislative branch too. Then he was neither. Now, he's just... well, where is he?

It seems like Vice President Cheney finally got sick of being a harbringer of evil on newspaper front pages once every week or so. Maybe it was the searing Washington Post introspective on Cheney's overt and covert influence over the workings of the Bush White House that finally made him a bit hesitant to appear, or maybe it's that the Republican Party doesn't want such a polarizing figure front and center with the '08 elections looming. Either way, Cheney has been conspicuously absent from the news in the past month or two. And it doesn't seem like anyone minds — or that anyone's even noticed.

Washington Post columnist Al Kamen has noticed, however. And he's put out the APB on any Cheney sightings. Since he tends to spend a good deal of his time outside of Washington, D.C. in Texas (you may see him hunting quail here, in which case we'd recommend you don't get too close), we thought our readers may want to keep an eye out. If you happen to see Vice Decider Cheney around these parts, throw Mr. Kamen a line at (No, I'm not making that up.) And drop us a line, too, so we can give you a shout out here at the Blue.

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