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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Bill Tracker: Red Light Cameras

SB 195 attempts to repeal Section 542.202 (b)(3) of the Transportation Code. The 78th Legislature passed Section 542.202 (b)(3) to allow municipalities and the State to ticket motorists for red light violations without the need for personal service of the ticket because the ticket was a civil rather than a criminal violation.

Red light cameras started appearing all over the place. Denton now has several. Motorists don't like them because they get a ticket in the mail for an offense they don't even remember committing. Administrators are starting to dislike them because they are new offenses that create new administrative hassles, especially from the criminal defense bar. Lawyers love them because it gives them the opportunity to talk about Equal Protection clauses, unconstitutional violations, class action lawsuits, "the light was yellow" arguments, "not a true violation because the intersection is smaller", and of course "the pictures are not admissible as presented to the judge".

This bill is in committee and public hearings have already been heard. The Fiscal Analysis of this bill is clear — doing away with red light cameras will have no fiscal impact on the State.

Ticket mail

You know, I didn't actually believe these really worked - that they were there mostly as a psychological deterrent - until several people I knew started getting tickets in the mail. They seemed to be showing up in small towns without budgets that seemed able to support them. Shows what I know.

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