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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Angela Brewer's blog

Give Thanks For: The Work

When I take a few minutes to reflect on the time I've spent working for the Democratic Party and the countless candidates I've had the opportunity to work for, there are so many things that have impressed me, and so many critical issues Democrats fight for that change peoples' lives every day.

A Saving Grace

Politics is about true stories. Elizabeth Edwards reminded me of that simple fact at her book signing in Dallas Tuesday night.

What Wall?

It seems the 700-mile wall along the U.S. Mexico border might have been more an election year stunt than an actual plan to stop illegal immigration.

Rocky on the Wall

A new voice has joined the fray over illegal immigration- Sylvester Stallone. While promoting his new movie in Mexico City, Sly took a few moments to criticize U.S. plans to build a 700-foot wall along the U.S. Mexico border. His comments highlighted the benefits immigrant workers bring to the U.S. economy and questioned the impact the wall could have on our diplomatic relations with Mexico.

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