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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

David Gurney's blog

Time to See the Republicans for What They Really Are

So far, none of the Republican candidates for President have addressed the NAACP or other major African American institutions. Now, we all know why they used to address them. The Republicans knew they weren’t going to get an endorsement from the NAACP, but they could reassure suburban white voters that they at least cared enough about minorities to speak to them. In other words, they were trying to assure suburban white voters that they weren’t racist.

It's Time to Have a Real Legislature

I know we live in Texas, home of the free and land of the terrified of government, but I think it might be time to acknowledge that we live in a big state.

The President Has a Lot of Chutzpah

The term shonda is a highly evocative one in Yiddish. Basically, it means that something is a shame, but it confers a lot more than that. It means that someone's actions disgrace not only himself but his family and all those that associate with him.

Hit 'em Where They Ain't

Hit ‘em where they ain’t. It’s a time honored axiom for combat, sports, marketing, and politics. It means that you should attack an opponent where they’re at their weakest.

Adventures in Health Care

A year ago, I went on an adventure through the Texas public health care system.

At long last, they have no decency...

Everyone on our side of the aisle has heard them: Republican accusations that we don't support our troops. I have a question for my right-wing counterparts: what does supporting our troops mean?

Israel's political future cloudy

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is surrounded by political enemies these days. The recently released report commissioned by the Israeli legislative assembly on Israel's war with Hezbollah guerillas in Lebanon during the summer of 2006 declares that the war effort was politically mismanaged and that the Israeli cause was lost. Olmert and his defense minister were highly criticized for hasty decisions and a lack of vision.

The Edwards family has tough expectations to live up to

The Edwards family has some fairly tough expectations to live up to. They dealt with political defeat and life changing illness within a 24 hour period and did it with grace and strength. They've lived through the loss of a child with caring, love, and courage. How does a family live up to that legacy?

These are not the Democrats I voted for

The Democrats are letting their power slip away. The White House and Congress are striking a deal so that Karl Rove and Harriet Miers can testify before Congress regarding the Federal Prosecutor firings. The White House is willing to let them be interviewed, but is being intractable about their not giving testimony under oath. Senator Schumer (D, NY) has stated that this doesn’t mean “we’re not going to try.”

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