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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

George Nassar's blog

Daily News Roundup, 11/7/07: Yesterday Was Election Day

So, as you may have heard, yesterday was the 2007 Texas constitutional amendment election.

Daily News Roundup, 11/5/07: No WMDs In... Iran?

The premise that war in Iraq was justified because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction is especially galling because we knew well ahead of time that no such weapons existed. So it is more than a little frustrating that the U.S. might consider adding Iran to the list of countries to invade, particularly when experts think that Iran having a nuclear weapons program is just as unlikely.

Daily News Roundup, 11/1/07: Children's Healthcare "Really A Trick"

President Bush is still fighting for the noble cause of not giving kids health care. Apparently, he believes that supplying health care to children of families that can't afford it is "really a trick."

Daily News Roundup, 10/31/07: Bush: "I Don't Need Congress"

President Bush has succeeded in once again hijacking a debate's news cycle. Following his most recent snit in front of the press going on about how he thinks Congress has gotten little done (a speech which Speaker Pelosi absolutely eviscerated — if you didn't see that, Keith Olbermann's Countdown has the video), the administration has decided that since Congress clearly isn't giving him his way, he's simply better off ruling by administrative order.

MSNBC October Democratic Presidential Debate: The LiveBlog

Another debate, another Texas Blue LiveBlog! Today's MSNBC debate is interesting for a number of reasons, not the least of which is a rumbling that Obama's going to be coming out swinging.

Daily News Roundup, 10/25/07: Son of SCHIP

Looks like Congressional Democrats are about ready for Round Two. According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, today will see another vote on the State Children's Health Insurance Program increases that President Bush vetoed — and at the original $35 billion level, no less.

Texas Blue Mailbag: Week of 10/14/2007

Deep, insightful analysis on Colbert's candidacy, right here in the TB Mailbag — like there was any doubt.

Daily News Roundup, 10/17/07: Primary Musical Chairs

The primary schedule is starting to get pretty ugly. On the heels of New Hampshire's hinting at a December primary as we mentioned yesterday, the Iowa GOP has set the firm date for their caucus at January 3rd, and South Carolina Democrats want to move their primary to the 26th.

Daily News Roundup, 10/11/07: Blackwater Out, Another Unaccountable Group In

Complaints about Blackwater don't seem to have fallen on deaf ears — but they do seem to have fallen on ears that miss the point.

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