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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

George Nassar's blog

AFL-CIO Democratic Primary Debate: The LiveBlog

5:48 The debate doesn't actually start until 6, but man, the pre-debate discussion is getting nasty!

Thursday Roundup: Gonzo's Just Confusing

To all of you who were concerned that the nation's law enforcement was headed by a man with no compunction about lying under oath, worry no longer: Alberto Gonzales wasn't lying — he was unintentionally confusing.

Conyers Hunts Leaks in the Administration

Just how far would President Bush go to keep his firewall between Congress and the White House intact?

Tuesday Roundup: The Cards Begin To Fall?

Hope springs eternal, and as such I have to lead with this: MSNBC's First Read has it that Rep. Jay Inslee and a group of House Democrats will formally call for the House Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Texas Blue Mailbag: Week of 7/22/07

Watch out, folks — we're going for the yuks in this Mailbag! Well, I am, anyway. Josh is apparently answering serious questions on fundraising and the attorney scandal. Would someone tell him that it's Friday?

Thursday Roundup: Gonzo Lies Again

So Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committe again just this Tuesday, and already he's been caught in another lie.

Tuesday Roundup: The Great Online Debate

The YouTube Democratic candidate debate was held last night at The Citadel in South Carolina, and was televised on CNN.

YouTube Democratic Debate: The Liveblog

Well, my computer decided to act up, so the Liveblog's kicking off a little late. But that's OK — CNN decided to start with a medley of YouTube video questions that *aren't* being answered. Way to try to discredit the medium you're working with.

Texas Blue Mailbag: Week of July 8, 2007

We received a lot of great issues questions for this week's Mailbag, ranging from the recent student loan bill to the war in Iraq to calls for impeachment and the response of congressional Democrats.

Thursday Roundup: Lady Bird Johnson

The passing of Lady Bird Johnson at age 94 is leading just about every Texas news outlet, and rightly so. Her soft-spoken strength, her love for the environment, and her respect for other people made her a national as well as a Texas icon. The Houston Chronicle and Austin American-Statesman are both featuring retrospectives honoring Lady Bird Johnson.

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