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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Travis Cooper's blog

A Christmas Wish: No More Mandatory Minimums

Christmas is here and every child in the country is running to the mall Santa to ask for their favorite new toy. As for me, I would like to ask the political Santa for a gift this year: Ole Saint Nick, please eliminate mandatory minimums.

An Odd Time of Year for Fighting

With only thirteen days left until the Iowa caucus candidates on both sides of the aisle are likely to start pandering their base for votes. But before Mike Huckabee can begin the Corn Battle, the Rice Battle must be fought.

Republican YouTube Debate Tonight: No Dems Allowed.

As the Republican candidates prepare for tonight YouTube debates, the media attention is shifting away from them and turning towards CNN senior vice president David Bohrman and his method for selecting the questions.

Give Thanks For: Helping Those In Need

Everybody has a moment when they realize they are a part of something much larger than themselves. For me that moment was in 2002, when Big Elm Creek in Abilene reached over 23 feet above flood level and began to seep into people’s houses.

Hutchison v. Spellings?

With the end of the Bush administration only 15 months away, members of the cabinet are beginning to plan their political life after Washington. For Margaret Spellings, the soon to be unemployed Education Secretary, the future just might be a return to Texas politics.

Charles in Charge of Your Days and Your Taxes

Rep. Charles B. Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is working hard as America's top tax code author. Last week Rangel proposed what would be the largest tax code reform in two decades, the Tax Reduction and Reform Act of 2007.

Texas Bridges Are Falling Down, and TxDOT Won't Say Why

“Structurally deficient” is all TxDOT and Attorney General Greg Abbott want Texans to know about our bridges.

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