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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Hutchison v. Spellings?

With the end of the Bush administration only 15 months away, members of the cabinet are beginning to plan their political life after Washington. For Margaret Spellings, the soon to be unemployed Education Secretary, the future just might be a return to Texas politics.

Spellings, formerly from Houston, has been Education Secretary since 2005. Prior to her stint at the Department of Education Spellings was President Bush’s Chief Domestic Advisor as well as his top education advisor, a position she has held since Bush was Governor. Spellings has never run for public office, but when asked by reporters if she would consider running for office in Texas Spellings said it is an intriguing option.

Some reports consider Spellings a potential candidate for the Senate seat that will be vacated by Kay Bailey Hutchison in 2012 or for governor in 2010. If Spellings chooses to run for governor in 2010, she just may be contested in the primary by Sen. Hutchison.

Secretary Spellings would have a hard time against Sen. Hutchison if they both decide to run. Sen. Hutchison is extremely popular in Texas and won her third senate term with over 61% of the vote. On the other hand, Spellings has been in bipartisan partnerships with Sen. Ted Kennedy while also staunchly supporting No Child Left Behind. Additionally, Spellings does not have the name recognition that Sen. Hutchison does, which is necessary when running in a state as large as Texas.

Despite these potential handicaps, were Spellings to run she has sufficient political connections to make Sen. Hutchison spend money, and it is always good news for Democrats when Republicans have to spend money.

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