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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas


Larry Dale, This Is Your Life

This one flew under the radar, so I think we need to revisit it for posterity.

Courtesy of the Colony Courier Leader:

Larry Dale Floyd was sentenced to a possible life sentence at a hearing in a Colorado court Tuesday.

Friday Roundup - The Rick Perry We Know and Love

I know we've all been wondering what's happening with Rick Perry lately. He's seemed so concerned, so progressive, so uncharacteristically wholesome, that I speculated he had to be tempering his image for a national run in the newly mainstream, centrist American political environment. So when, after spending a week tying the privatization of the state lottery to finding a cure for cancer, he implied that the late Governor Ann Richards would be "proud" of the idea, I knew the old Perry was back.

Bill Tracker: HBs 101 & 218 - Proving Who You Are

(Part 4 of 5 in a symposium on election law)

Either You're With Me, or You're With The Cancer

Governor Perry has taken a page from President Bush's war-selling, terrorist-fighting play book. The Governor has drawn a line in the Austin sand. The stage is set with Governor Perry on one side, Republicans on the other, and Democrats standing aside awaiting for the drama to unfold. Perry is daring the legislature, essentially claiming that if they're so hell bent on young girls getting cancer, they should go ahead and pass legislation to obstruct his life saving executive order.

On The Record: John Courage

I sat down with John Courage, 2006 Democratic candidate for Congress from District 21.

Thursday Roundup - The Jury Meets The Press

Tim Russert testified yesterday in the Scooter Libby trial, and his defense attorneys have the unenviable job of making him out to be a less than credible witness. He isn't quite Cronkite, but Americans by and large trust Tim Russert, and most journalists talk about his credibility with the kind of fervent admiration usually reserved for mythical creatures.

Hello, World: Welcome to the Internet

John Edwards hired some bloggers. Those bloggers had, well, blogged about a thing or two. The Catholic League got mad. That's where things get weird.

Bill Tracker: HB 243 - Lost and Found Polling Place

(Part 3 of 5 in a symposium on election law)

There was a television show that followed Donald Trump around on election day. The Donald walked in ready to cast his vote only to discover that he was not at his precinct in Manhattan. No problem. The Donald crossed town walked into another precinct and found he was still in the wrong place. I'm pretty sure somebody got fired that day.

Who's Blue? Dr. Dennis Teal

This week's episode of Who's Blue features an interview with Dr. Dennis Teal, State Democratic Executive Committeeman from Senate District 3. We cover a little bit of everything, from the makeup of the Committee to Democratic politics in rural Texas.

Wednesday Roundup - Platitudes and Astronauts

A lot of ink was expended covering Rick Perry's State of the State yesterday, by many and several media outlets, various other blogs, and Democratic party leaders and elected officials. My take on the whole deal is that, like most State Of The Something speeches, it called for bipartisanship and enumerated a long list of things that Rick Perry Is Going To Do That Will Be Great. I say that the onus for bipartisanship lay with the party in charge, and declare that all of his Big Ideas, which include the modest goal of curing cancer and are given even at the expense of alienating much of his base, are geared towards dusting him up for a national role.

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