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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Clinton Wins Ohio

MSNBC and other agencies calling Ohio for Clinton; she has a 16 point lead with 67% reporting. She really broke it open up there, and there's going to be plenty to look at.

Update: There's nothing about Clinton's victory speech that makes me think she's ever dropping out. Ever.

Final margin will be around 11%

The remaining votes in Ohio are from Cleveland and Cincinnati, which both favor Obama, although only by a small margin in Cleveland. That will bring Clinton's margin down to around 11%, for a gain of around 20 delegates. She also gets 4 delegates from RI, loses 3 delegates in VT, more or less breaks even in delegates in the TX primary, and probably loses a few delegates in the TX caucuses. My guess is that she'll gain a net 15 delegates from today's contests.

Of course she can't drop out right after a signature win in Ohio, especially if she wins the TX primary. But a week from now, after Wyoming and Mississippi, she'll be in a bigger hole than she was before Texas.

...and there you go

they just called Texas for her.

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