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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Early Exit Polls

Looking for exit poll results for the Texas primary? You're looking for this page. Below is an older story on exit polls for the first Super Tuesday.

Thanks for reading.

-George Nassar, executive editor
The Texas Blue

Josh Marshall has some preliminary exit polls for the Dems. Get ready for some surprises if these hold. UPDATE: More early exit poll info over at MyDD. Polls quoted:

GA: Clinton- 25.5, Obama - 75
CT: Clinton - 45, Obama - 52.2
IL: Clinton - 29.1, Obama - 69.6
AL: Clinton - 37, Obama - 59.6
DE: Clinton - 41.9, Obama - 55.6
MA: Clinton - 47.3, Obama - 49.8
MO: Clinton - 45.1, Obama - 49.8
TN: Clinton - 51.6, Obama - 41.1
NY: Clinton - 55.6, Obama - 42.2
NJ: Clinton - 47, Obama - 52.2
AR: Clinton - 71.2, Obama - 25.5
OK: Clinton - 60.5, Obama - 30.4
AZ: Clinton - 44.8, Obama - 50.5

1st wave:
NM: Clinton - 45.6, Obama - 51.8
UT: Clinton - 39.9, Obama - 60.1
CA: Clinton - 49.6, Obama - 46.3

CA: McCain 40, Romney 35
MA: Romney 54, McCain 32
NJ: McCain 50, Romney 32
NY: McCain 50, Romney 31

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