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Advancing Progressive Ideas

Elizabeth Edwards Diagnosed with Cancer; Edwards Campaign Continues

It is impossible to write about John Edwards' press conference without first mentioning Elizabeth Edwards' indomitable attitude when dealing with times of trouble. We Texans consider ourselves fortunate to have had a number of strong women in the public eye whose presence was almost larger than life. It is significant, then, that seeing Elizabeth Edwards unscripted in front of the press brought up recollections for me of Molly Ivins' own struggles against cancer. No one can envy her position, but her composure and strength in a situation like this are laudable.

In the press conference, John Edwards explained that while being examined for a broken rib, an X-ray showed that her cancer had returned and gotten into her ribs. The Edwards' doctor described the cancer as uncurable but treatable, much like diabetes, and Elizabeth said she was completely asymptomatic and didn't plan to change how she lived her life in any way.

Wondering where the campaign announcement was? Well, so was the press corps. That question was not addressed until it was specifically asked, and John Edwards quickly replied that no, there was no change to the campaign. "The campaign goes on; the campaign goes on strongly." John and Elizabeth had discussed the issue, and had deferred to their doctor on how this would affect Elizabeth. When the doctor confirmed that this would not have an effect on Elizabeth's activities, they decided to go on with the race.

Though no one can be happy at the situation the Edwards find themselves in, I am at least glad to hear my worries were unfounded as far as the Edwards campaign goes. (Of course, as Elizabeth mentioned in the interview, there are some in the media that probably won't be too happy at the crow they'll have to eat for what everyone knew was jump-the-gun reporting.) The question in my mind now is, how will the media react to this? Those reporting immediately around the press release seemed to have nothing but glowing remarks about the Edwards, Elizabeth's strength, John's concern for his family above all things. But the media is a fickle mistress; will they be just as supportive about the decision to continue the campaign as they are now?

I hope so. After all, that would be the respectful thing to do. But I never underestimate the power of the bottom line.

What are your opinions?

Edwards campaign

Edwards remains my first choice regardless. But my next choice, should he later withdraw, is Richardson.

The media's reaction

I forsee lots of television interviews for Elizabeth Edwards with Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer, etc, (especially as the primaries draw closer) about her cancer and how she and John will balance their time and their energy.

I'm as cynical as the rest, but with the rest of the cat-fighting that is going on with the other Democratic presidential candidates, I don't see the picking on Edwards for making this decision.

Then again, maybe I'm naive.

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